
159 Game Reviews

34 w/ Responses

It was fun. I like how everything followed the theme. I understand how a game like this will take a lot of time to make and balance. Good job! I hope to see more from you in the future.

This game is frustrating. My biggest complaint is the controls and choice of keyboard mappings. Enemies move quickly and I'm expected to press Q and E while running with WASD? That means letting go of one of my movement keys, resulting in death.

Money comes in very, very slowly for me. I'm not sure how I was ever expected to build anything at the pace enemies come in. I built a health regenerator only to have enemies almost instantaneously destroy it. There's almost no point in having the build feature. May as well have removed it and worked on making the chaos more fun.

Even pressing space while pressing WASD is a pain. Very uncomfortable for my fingers, mainly due to the fact that space has to be pressed by my left hand rather than my right, which is on my mouse.

The loading screens/ads and the delay between dying and seeing any updates is a pain. Is it difficult to make loading a score list or shoving an ad in my face asynchronous? I appreciate it when ads are helping to fund a genuinely fun experience, but when I have to suffer through something tedious then have to suffer an ad immediately afterwards, it doesn't feel very good.

Neat. Artistic. Unique.

However, the achievements list is seriously lacking. Okay, so maybe games shouldn't need little icon achievements to tell you whether or not you did something right. I would agree, if the in-game rewards for performing different actions weren't so boring.

PS: For players of the game, you can safely hold down space until the wolf flashes red above its head three times. Then, let go and press space again immediately afterwards. That's how I got rid of all the cops 8)

molkman responds:

On one of our previous game, we made one achievement for every possible ending variation, but people got annoyed by that, because they had to play through the whole game anew for every medal. So this time, we thought we better not overdo it with medals.

Great idea! The opposite of the usual "I have amnesia and want to get out of here!" ordeal.

It was a lot of fun. Items were subtle and not easily recognized the first time around. It added to the replay value.

Great game as always, but admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of the trend where all your games have an "ending" but then the player is left to do nothing but achieve a high score. The fact that they can still play and don't have to start over is admittedly an improvement over a TON of other games, but it would be AMAZING - not just cool - if the next game's "survival mode" had its own ending, secrets, powerups, etc.

The fact that Knightmare Tower had its own quests and art was a good thing, but what if it had its own bosses, music, alternate character/backgrounds, etc.? I know that may be asking a lot, and I don't know if the money behind flash games justifies spending -that much extra time- adding things to them, but it's a shame to see such excellent games fall ever-so-slightly-short of perfection and long-term fanboyism.

5/5 stars.

This is remarkable. How did I not see this game before? It's revolutionary in the sense that this has to be the most perfectly polished game to ever exist in this genre. This is the new "Toss the Turtle", except we're not likely to see a ton of knock-offs of this game. It has set the standard too high.

I love the name, also. "JuicyBeast". Is that a hint toward the "juicyness" bring promoted by the indie game scene? I sure hope so. You seem to follow the principle well.

I have no complaints. It's well-based. It sets proper constraints to prevent the player from being disappointed with the game or not utilizing feature (quests). The sound, art, music, controls... everything is so fluid.

Please, take me as your apprentice :)
First game I've given a sincere perfect rating in a while. Okay, internet points. Maybe not a big deal, but know that this game means a lot to me. It may not have much of a plot, but it expresses so much about the right way to design games even without one.

Thank you. Thanks. Again. Thanks. A lot :)

Great game. IMO, lackluster climax. A lot of suspense is built early on. I think a lot of people will continue playing this game for much longer than they'd like, expecting something other than what you actually have to offer.

Iit's not all bad. Upgrades/coins are easily acquired, although I feel like their addition to the game was more of a "patch" to keep things fun in the beginning than a well thought-out feature. Since upgrades are so easy to acquire, and the game progresses to the point where they are (assumingly) necessary, why do they exist?

I don't know... from a design perspective, you definitely got some things right, but for me, things don't mesh together all that well in the end...

Who knows? It may have a very compelling story, but it's so tedious to play. Enemies are difficult. You can't venture very far without having to return to town to heal. The pace of battles is really slow.

I know that some people still enjoy these kind of slow, turn-based RPGs, but at this point in my life I don't know how much time I have to give to something that unnecessarily punishes players by making progression difficult. I mean, I'm told to go to town and the inn to heal and the guy tells me its empty. I walk back in the forest nearly dead. My characters' health was restored at some point, but I couldn't tell you how that happened.

Are you seriously making players go through that tedious forest before even saving their game? What happened to auto-saves?

There's no reason to try and make your game exactly like those from our childhood. First of all, they had better balance and pacing than this game. Second, they're old and things have improved since then.

Great game. I just really wish your Kickstarter had gone through.

Maybe you'll be able to rake in some cash and save enough for a sequel?

Live forever or die trying; I'm a pirate.

Age 45, Male




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